our clients rely on lyons broadcast pr for honest advice and strategic campaigns that maximize reach among targeted audiences
They also come to Lyons because they know we have the experience to manage campaigns featuring A-list celebrities, leaders of high-profile organizations, and subject matter experts.
Broadcast and video services Lyons Broadcast PR provides: Satellite Media Tours, Full Service Video Production, Radio Media Tours, PSA Campaigns, Webcasting, Podcasts, On-site Broadcasting and broadcast media. Our clients include:

Trade Associations
Trade associations, like the U.S. Tire Manufacturers Association, National Education Association and the American Gas Association rely on the experience and resourcefulness of Lyons PR for broadcast media relations. Whether focusing on consumer education or political action messaging, Lyons PR knows how to place association news, issues and spokespersons on the air, and, produce compelling videos that capture the target audience’s attention.

Leading brands like Marriott, Anheuser-Busch, Sprint, Pearl Vision and Hyundai depend on the quick, detailed and reliable turn-around of Lyons PR broadcast outreach. With our deep roster of broadcast contacts, Lyons PR blends the latest in distribution strategy and broadcast technology to deliver messages to millions around the country.

Federal Government
Lyons PR helps federal agencies develop clear and concise messages and communicate them directly to regional and national radio and TV audiences. The U.S. Department of Energy, U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the Agency for Healthcare Research Quality (AHRQ), U.S. Capitol Visitor Center, National Labor Relations Board and the Small Business Administration, are among the federal government agencies that have entrusted their multi-faceted broadcast outreach campaigns to Lyons PR.

Lyons PR values the service that non-profits provide to the public. So when working with organizations like C-SPAN, Vietnam Veterans Memorial Fund, World Wildlife Fund, and Al-Anon Family Groups, we work closely with the organization to carefully craft their message and determine which broadcast PR strategy will be most effective to achieve their goals.