When planning a Satellite Media Tour with Lyons, one of the first questions you’ll be asked is whether or not you have b-roll or video footage related to the topic, or if we have the opportunity to help shoot. Compelling supporting video is an important part of a satellite media tour, and is used several different ways:


  • Pitching: A SMT b-roll package can be used in the pitching process, and provide outlets with an advance visual preview of the topic. While pitching TV, this visual component is key and can help visualize the story for producers.
  • Provide supporting b-roll to stations in advance: Many TV outlets will request the b-roll package in advance, and during their interview time, will cut-in the video footage to enhance the story. It’s important to keep your video package housed with an easily accessible and easily shareable link to be prepared for that inevitable last minute request.
  • “Hot-roll”: The morning of your Satellite Media Tour, outlets will confirm if they would like the video package “hot-rolled.” This means our director will cut-away to the b-roll at strategic times during the interview and this is what goes out over the station airwaves.

With full service video production capabilities, Lyons Broadcast PR shoots, edits and produces b-roll packages and supporting video to enhance our Satellite Media Tours.

More SMT Tips & Resources
Avoid these three things during your next SMT
What makes a Satellite Media Tour Successful?
Do you have Satellite Media Tour examples?
What does a Satellite Media Tour cost?

Schedule a Satellite Media Tour

For assistance in planning an effective Satellite Media Tour contact the Lyons team today.

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